Victorian Public Holidays
Australians Love Victorian Public Holidays
Down under in Australia, Victorian public holidays are observed under the National Employment Standards and often regarded as an opportune time to gather together as family and friends.
List of all important Victorian Holidays in 2012:
New Years Day – 2 January 2012 – In lieu of Sunday this day gets celebrated by all in Australia and falls in line with the Gregorian calendar. Stores may very well either be closed or open according to local custom and state laws. Huge fireworks are displayed as people all over start the new year with a bang
Australia day – 26 January 2012 – Also known as Foundation day, Anniversary day, or Survival day. This day commemorates the arrival of the first fleet in 1788 at Sydney Cove. It was only known as Australia day from 1808 onward and is still celebrated by all in smaller and larger communities all over Australia. It has become the biggest annual civic event in this country
Labour Day – 12 March 2012 – Celebrated on the second Monday in March in Victoria, but on the first Monday in Western Australia, this day gets commemorated in honour of those who struggled as well as succeeded in ensuring fair working conditions for all. Many people use this day as part of a long weekend to spend time with friends and family, they have barbecues and engage in activities such as picnics, wine tasting, or camping
Good Friday – 6 April 2012 – This day falls at the start of a four day long weekend and is a great time for many to go on a short vacation, often times within Australia. Traditionally people would eat hot cross buns on this day and small bread buns flavored with various spices and raisins. This is the time that the Three Peaks Race in Tasmania starts which is said to be great fun for all
Easter Saturday – 7 April 2012 – The day before Easter Sunday is not generally considered to be an official public holiday in Australia, but great festivities and fun is had by all. Especially, children loves this day as they get to spend time with their moms and dads and other members of the family
Easter Monday – 9 April 2012 – The last day of the Easter celebrations and declared a public holiday throughout Australia. Many folks make a joyous occasion of this celebration and many music festivals are held such as the National Folk Festival and the Roots Bluesfest as well as large sporting events
Anzac Day – 25 April 2012 – National day of remembrance as it marks the anniversary of what was known as the first major military action fought at Gallipoli in 1915. More than 50,000 Australians will sit down to some very tasty, delicious meals, discovering the best of what Australia has to offer. Shortly after, an eight day food and wine festival follows that takes place between 26 April to 3 May 2012
Queens Birthday – 11 June 2012 – Known to be a movable feast in both New Zealand and Australia. In Australia it is celebrated on the second Monday of June, except for the Western part where it is celebrated late September to early October
Melbourne Cup Day – 6 November 2012 – This day falls on the first Tuesday of November each year when the whole of Australia comes to a stand still and watch in awe as the Melbourne Cup starts of with a bang. Everyone is filled with race horse fever where the prize money is as high as A$6 million dollars
Christmas Day – 25 December 2012 – Celebrated the world over in commemoration of Jesus’ birth. It is the middle of summer in Australia where everyone is involved in gift giving and delicious meals are enjoyed by all
Boxing Day – 26 December 2012 – Declared a national public holiday in Australia. It is also the day that the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race begins
All Victorian public holidays are observed with the greatest of respect and joy. Families and friends gather together to make the most of these joyous occasions while traveling to various parts within Australia.