It’s no fun being trapped at home. With 2021 shaping up to be a slightly better year in terms of the global pandemic, there’s still sadly every chance that holidaying in summer will prove difficult.
Many international destinations may still be elusive for the average holidaymaker, so it’s time to start looking for more creative solutions to your wanderlust.
If you were looking to take a trip out to Las Vegas this year, you might be better served setting up your very own Vegas experience at home, given the situation with the pandemic in the US. Here’s how you can get the full Vegas feel without leaving your house (much).

Put up some Vegas-themed decorations
Decorating your home for a Vegas-themed stay-at-home holiday is just as easy as doing the same thing for a casino-themed party, you can get some inspiration from the place itself. That means lots of ostentatious, over-the-top gambling-themed decor, dice and card-themed ornaments, and lots of glitz and glamour when it comes to adornments.
When it comes to Vegas theming, there really is no such thing as “overdoing it”; after all, the whole point of Las Vegas is complete decadence and hedonism, and your decor should reflect those values. Why not throw up a disco ball, build a few card towers, and perhaps even set up your very own gambling tables if your home is spacious enough?
Try out some online casino gaming
The most iconic feature of Las Vegas as a destination is undeniably its casinos. While you may not be able to take a trip to a physical casino destination anytime soon, that doesn’t mean you need to miss out on the casino gaming experience.
Platforms like Casimba Casino offer the chance to play Vegas favourites like slots, blackjack, and poker, and since it’s an online platform, you may even find more obscure variants and interesting types of casino game than you would at a regular casino. Online platforms let you play with a variety of currencies, they’re incredibly safe and secure, and they’re great fun to boot, so add them into your home Vegas experience for a real mood booster.
Don’t forget the food
So many people get caught up in the idea of a wild and crazy night in Vegas that they forget one of the most important aspects of the place: its food. While Vegas isn’t necessarily renowned for its cuisine, that doesn’t mean there isn’t some excellent food to be sampled there.
You can recreate the diverse range of restaurants in Vegas by cooking up your very own buffet. Foods like fried chicken and waffles, corn dogs, and huge, hulking burgers are all great ways to evoke the spirit of Vegas. While some of these may not be buffet options, you’ll feel that much more like you’re with the high rollers if you create some mouthwateringly decadent dishes to go with your gaming.
Create some cocktails
There are lots of things that go together to make Las Vegas unforgettable. One of the most iconic elements of Nevada’s most-visited holiday destination is undoubtedly its cocktails. Favorites like the Cable Car Martini, the Caipirinha, and the Cosmopolitan are stalwarts of the Vegas gambling tables, so if you want to get that elusive Vegas atmosphere, one of the best ways to do so is to craft your very own cocktails.
It’s not too difficult to do; you don’t need to be a wizard with a shaker. All you need is a little determination, the right cocktail recipes, and the willingness to have a great time. Everything else will come with practice!
Get dolled up
Whether you love a well-pressed tuxedo or you’re a sucker for a glitzy evening gown, getting dressed up is a huge part of the fun for a home-based Vegas holiday. You don’t necessarily need to wear something super-formal; smart casual is often the order of the day for the trendier Vegas casino locations, so a clean shirt and some jeans would do the trick just as well as anything else.
Whatever you do, make sure that you’re looking your sharpest and snazziest, because feeling good in yourself is a big part of having fun. If you’ve got a family, encourage them to get dolled up in their best for a night at the poker table, too!
Put on some Vegas-themed entertainment
You’d be amazed how much movies can lift the ambiance of a Vegas-themed home holiday. Why not try Martin Scorsese’s 1995 classic Casino, or the snappy heist movie Ocean’s Eleven? If you’re not feeling a film, then Frank Sinatra is always a great accompaniment to a night out at the tables; it’s not contemporary music, but there’s a timeless class to his voice that will make you feel like you’re right there in Nevada.
If you don’t want to build physical gambling apparatus, then you could also try gambling-themed video games like Prominence Poker or Poker Club, many of which have multiplayer options so the family can join in.
These are just some of our tips on how you can have the perfect Vegas-themed family holiday, even if you can’t leave your home. We’re hoping that by summer, the pandemic will have receded enough that international travel is a little easier, but it never hurts to plan for every eventuality. How are you getting ready for your Vegas holiday? Will you be trying any of the tips we’ve outlined above?