Safety Tips
The summer months are some of the most enjoyable for day trips or road trips out to the lake, the beach or local festivals. Spending time on the open road with your windows down, listening to music with the wind blowing by has been a favourite pastime for many generations. Despite these warmer months being a great opportunity for fun, they should also be a time when safety is foremost on your mind. Safety repairs such as tire rotation and oil changes can be easier during the summer months when the weather is on your side, as opposed to in the winter months where you may have trouble working through the cold.
Safe Tires
Your four tires are some of the most important things in terms of keeping you safe in your car. Your tires should always be inflated properly and rotated on time to prevent balding unevenly. Replace your tires regularly to ensure the safety of your family, and always keep a spare. As summer draws to a close, ensure that you’ve got winter tires prepared for those slippery roads, and if you’re in a particularly icy climate you may want a backup system such as chains.
Safety Features
Each car comes equipped with safety features which are designed to protect you from injury in the instance of an accident. These features include seat belts, automatic braking systems, airbags and even your horn. Periodically, have these features checked by a trusted mechanic to ensure they’re all in good working order. All of your lights, signals, caps and wiper blades should be checked regularly to avoid sudden, unpleasant issues in these areas.
Protect Your Family
No matter the distance of your journey you need to ensure safety measures are taken properly each time you drive. This means that child seats and boosters should always be employed for children who require them according to your state’s law. For young children, disallow their doors from opening to avoid unexpected surprises on the road, and ensure that the child safety locks on the windows are working so they don’t accidentally roll fingers up in the car window. Drive attentively and defensively when operating a vehicle, and do your best to avoid distracting circumstances wherever possible. Always ensure that your vehicle insurance covers your car, your health in case of a crash, and the vehicles of others who may be involved. Many people have been put in financial ruin due to being underinsured in the event of an accident, so remember, no one ever plans an accident, which is why insurance is so important one hundred per cent of the time.
Guest Post by Allison:
This guest post is from Allison with AutoInsuranceQuotes.org.